HID Global


Miércoles 8 de noviembre, 2023 9 HS Ciudad de México | 10 HS Bogotá | 12 HS Buenos Aires | 16 HS Madrid

HID Global

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Smart devices, mobile phones and tablets are becoming the control hub for the myriad of connected devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) – as are bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies in many organizations today. But this is creating unique and heightened security risks for IT professionals, such as higher exposure to data breaches, malware and compliance violations. BYOD is no longer an industry trend; it’s a fact of life for enterprise-wide operations and the IT organizations that must support them.

¿Cuáles son las más recientes soluciones en Control de Acceso que necesitas conocer?

Durante el 2023, HID ha lanzado al mercado las más innovadoras soluciones para distintos mercados: Banca, Educación, Real State, Telecomunicaciones, Aeropuertos, entre otros. Todas integran los mejores sistemas de control de acceso de la industria de la seguridad y marcan el rumbo del sector. Por eso, nuestros ingenieros de América Latina presentarán todo lo que debes saber de cada una de ellas, para mantenerte actualizado sobre las últimas tecnologías.

  • Sustentabilidad: tecnologías sostenibles
  • Transformación digital: mundo Mobile First
  • Big data: analítica para optimización de espacios
  • Servicios en la nube
  • Y más

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Smart devices, mobile phones and tablets are becoming the control hub for the myriad of connected devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) – as are bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies in many organizations today. But this is creating unique and heightened security risks for IT professionals, such as higher exposure to data breaches, malware and compliance violations. BYOD is no longer an industry trend; it’s a fact of life for enterprise-wide operations and the IT organizations that must support them.

Assa Abloy

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