自 HID 上次发布物理门禁行业现状报告以来,世界发生了巨大变化,重塑了我们的生活和工作方式。 显而易见,传统方法正在日益被更有技术含量、数据驱动的解决方案所取代。
我们最新的门禁行业现状报告阐明了推动这一转型的关键趋势,并探讨了未来面临的挑战和机遇。 报告预览:
便利性至上:门禁系统安装和操作的便利性成为组织的首要考量。 除了组织外,最终用户也越来越重视便利性,既要便利,又要安全
开放标准崛起:对集成化系统的需求不断增长,尤其是开放式监控设备协议 (OSDP) 的出现,标志着从专有技术向可互操作的兼容系统的转变
Want to dive into the details and hear HID experts discussing these trends? Join our webinar on Thursday, June 27th at 09:00AM Eastern, USA | 02:00PM BST | 01:00PM GMT to learn more about the trends impacting the access control industry.
Since HID’s last state of physical access control report, significant changes have unfolded in the world, shaping the way we live and work. It’s clear we’re witnessing a transition from traditional methods to more technology-enabled and data driven solutions.
Our latest access control report sheds light on the key trends shaping this transformation and offers insights into the challenges and opportunities ahead. Here’s a preview:
By understanding these trends and emerging technologies, organizations can make informed decisions and adapt their access control strategies to meet the demands of the modern workplace effectively.
Fill in the form to download the full report and gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of physical access control and stay ahead of the curve in navigating the future.