Achieving a FIPS Access Control Solution

HID Global

HSPD-12 mandates that all government agencies use PIV identity cards for physical access control as a way to ensure a secure and interoperable approach. PIV enabling a PACS requires some changes but can be accomplished without the need for wholesale rip and replacement of existing equipment. This white paper will show that the required changes are limited to four areas: providing new card readers technically compatible with the physical characteristics of a FIPS 201 compatible card, adding the ability to read and interpret the data on FIPS 201 compatible cards, adoption of the FASC-N and UUID as unique user identifiers, and using strong PKI based validation at enrollment and time-of-access. It concludes that augmenting the functionality of existing panels and door controllers yields the most secure and cost effective approach to providing strong PKI based validation at the time-of-access.

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